Memories Back

You say my cousin’s dead and I say no, my brother’s living. You don’t believe in no condemnation then you need to pick a new religion. You said he was steady sinning but I know that all is forgiven. Because the blood that Jesus spilled was the blood that made him a Christian, and that blood is the only blood that matters. Close second is family matters. The rest are just trying to magnify their status through Facebook status.

I question God because I’m looking for an answer. I don’t question God because I don’t believe he’s right. I cried a few times because a piece of me is shattered. I can barely explain how I feel inside. I know you’re at peace because now you’re with the master. I just don’t know how we’ll replace your light. I believe it’s too easy to focus on a dark time. I will petition others to focus on your life.

We built tent cities in your living room and then Kwame, Shaki or Jakeem would tear them down. We tied you up and threw in the closet and you made it to the kitchen and bust your lip on the ground. We hacked the phone lines of the whole block with some walkie talkies and an old radio. We switched one shoe and walked like it was normal and we would do that wherever we would go. We would play Golden Eye in my brother’s basement. Little dudes hanging with him, Jay and Damon. I know the story of why your kidney’s sore. We went sledding at Hoyt Park and you had to snowboard. Came to me the next day and said you were peeing blood. I laughed a little then you showed me the toilet and we laughed some more. We took trips to Cedar Point and you convinced me to fall in love with roller coasters. Do you remember that time we went to Arizona and you forced me to cliff jump in Sedona? Despite how different I thought I was you still showed me unconditional love. Or when we went to Orlando and me and you got the Nike Sons of Gloves. You got the black and white and I got the white and black. I thank God for bringing these memories back. You were my first friend by default but we stayed friend as life seesawed. Despite our differences, we were more alike. When you told me you looked up to me I was surprised. I told you that I felt the same. Now you make me look up to you in the sky until the next time I see you again.


  1. Khandyce P.

    Amazing. Really resonates seeing as I just lost my sister. I thank God for those memories; thank you for helping foster that gratitude. Constant reminders to continue looking towards the sky, no matter the circumstance.

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